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Abbreviations used in the Book of Concord

BOC = Book of Concord
AC = Augsburg Confession
Ap = Apology [Defense] of the Augsburg Confession
SA = Smalcald Articles
Tr = Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
SC = Small Catechism
LC = Large Catechism
FC = Formula of Concord
SD = Solid Declaration
Ep = Epitome
CT = Catalog of Testimonies

WA = Weimarer Ausgabe, the comprehensive scholarly edition of Luther's complete works, considered the best scholarly edition available of Luther in the original languages. The American Edition is a translation of a relatively small portion of what is in the Weimar.

CONC TRIGL = Concordia Triglotta. Most of these references are to actual page numbers in the Triglotta. If you see a reference that you need clarifying, contact us and we can look it up for you.
St. L = The St Louis edition of Luther's Works
C.R. = Corpus Reformatorum

Several other references are found within this site; if you need clarification of them, please contact us. Many of them are references to documents long out of print and most likely unobtainable.

Linking in to the Book of Concord

Many times you want to link into the middle of the Book of Concord, citing some part of it using one of the Citation Examples below. Please use this method to provide direct links to the middle of various sections of the Confessions. In most of the books you can link directly to a specific paragraph.

A domain, "bocl.org", (BOC Link) has been set up to make it easier to link.

Using one of the citation examples, link to the BOC using: E.g. http://bocl.org?SD+X+24 will take you to Article X, paragraph 24 of the Solid Declaration. The format is simply "http://bocl.org?" followed by the citation. Spaces are replaced with + signs, and no commas are used.

If for some reason you come across a citation that doesn't work, I can make it work almost immediately if you contact me. Note that all daily readings citations work, so all books are functioning. You can look at the daily readings to see other citation examples.

When the site was redesigned in Sept of 2008, many people had linked using the original file names, using examples such as "http://bookofconcord.org/fc-sd/election.html". We will continue to support this method as long as people are using it (which probably means for 10 years or more).

Citation Examples

AC XX 4 (Augsburg Confesson, Article XX, paragraph 4)
Ap IV 119 (Apology of the AC, Article IV, paragraph 119)
FC SD X 24 (Solid Declaration of the FC, Article X, paragraph 24)
Ep V 8 (Epitome, Article V, paragraph 8)
LC V 32 (Large Catechism, Part 5, paragraphs 32)
SA III I 6 (Smalcald Articles, Part III, Article I, paragraph 6)
SC III 5 (Small Catechism, Part III, paragraph 5)
Tr 5 (Treatise, paragraph 5)

Visitation Articles

VIS I will go to article 1
VIS IV will go to article 4
VIS III 2 will go to article 3, paragraph 2
VIS IV 2 1 will go to the second section under article IV, paragraph 1.

Please report any typos or formatting problems you see with this text.

Did you know that you can link to any paragraph within most documents on this site? See the Citation page for more information. Please contact us if there is a location that you can't figure out how to link to.